Runners & Gluteus Medius Strength
As runners, we are often focused on improving our endurance, speed, and cardiovascular fitness. However, we often overlook a crucial aspect of our running performance…STRENGTH. Specifically, the strength of our gluteus medius muscle. The gluteus medius plays a pivotal role in stabilizing the pelvis and controlling hip movements during running, making it a vital muscle for runners of all levels. Almost all of our runners who come in with a running-related injury have baseline gluteus medius weakness which we address as a part of our comprehensive treatment to resolve and prevent future injury.
What is your gluteus medius?!
The gluteus medius muscle is located on the posterior lateral aspect of your hip and actively abducts your leg (out). It also stabilizes your pelvis in stance.
Runners, we know you are not a fan of strength training but you need to strengthen that glute med!
Runners with weaker gluteus medius muscles experience increased pelvic drop, which can lead to altered biomechanics and increased injury risk. Proper pelvic alignment prevents unnecessary stress on other structures such as the lower back, hips, and knees. Willson et al. (2012) found that weak gluteus medius muscles were associated with increased hip adduction and greater medial knee displacement, leading to an increased risk of knee injuries, such as patellofemoral pain syndrome. A study conducted by Khayambashi et al. (2016) reported that runners with iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) displayed significantly weaker gluteus medius muscles compared to healthy controls.
Beyond injury prevention, a strong glute med may improve running economy and performance. Running economy refers to the energy required to maintain a given running velocity. The enhanced running economy allows runners to maintain their desired pace with less energy expenditure, ultimately leading to better overall performance.
The importance of gluteus medius strength in runners cannot be overstated. From stabilizing the pelvis to decreasing the risk of runner related injuries (RRI) to improving running economy, a strong gluteus medius muscle plays a pivotal role in enhancing overall running performance. So get after those BQs and PRs pain-free and be sure to incorporate targeted exercises to strengthen the gluteus medius into your training routine.